Join The Tribe | We Are The They
Join The Tribe | We Are The They
Join The Tribe...
Fill in your information below plus subscribe and you will get instant access to the community to create friendships, attend events, and use the app for things like trainings, group chats, and more ways to connect with 400+ like-minded men.
Join The Tribe...
Fill in your information below plus subscribe and you will get instant access to the community to create friendships, attend events, and use the app for things like trainings, group chats, and more ways to connect with 400 + like-minded men.
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What To Expect Once Inside The Tribe...
IMPORTANT: Joining now secures you an opportunity to join the next Leadership Group when we open it again later this year.
Community of Like-Minded Men
Immediately access various networking opportunities with like-minded men in our community. You'll gain instant entry to an active chat thread, recurring local events, a monthly mini-mastermind group, and other powerful connection tools crafted specifically for our tribe.
Weekly Live Tribe Call
Every Tuesday, join Jimmy and other elite leaders in our community for a live hour-long call. Engage, learn, and build valuable relationships within our vibrant community. Don't worry if you miss a session; all recordings are available for your convenience within the app.
Various In-Person Events + HQ
Attend two major in-person events annually, with previous guests including renowned figures like Ed Mylett and Chris Williamson. Stay tuned for our upcoming Summerfest! Additionally, access weekly and monthly gatherings at our WATT HQ in Lehi, Utah. Our HQ features exclusive amenities such as a gym with sauna/cold plunge, ensuring you're fully equipped to thrive.
Mini-Mastermind Groups
Be part of an exclusive mini-mastermind group comprising 12-15 members in your area, meeting monthly. These groups are designed to foster genuine connections and facilitate personal growth. Jimmy has curated these groups with a distinct purpose, ensuring they deliver value beyond typical networking events.
Direct Coaching From Jimmy
Gain access to Jimmy's expert coaching through pre-recorded mastery levels designed to elevate your personal and professional life. These trainings are delivered via our exclusive WATT App, accompanied by a comprehensive workbook and Welcome Box packed with essentials to support your journey.
Exclusive Community App
Engage, connect, and grow within our online and iOS app, where you can interact with fellow members, access important updates, RSVP to events, and more. Showcase your business in our "Support Members" section or stay updated with our HQ Calendar—all from the convenience of your device.
Chance To Attend Adventure Trips
Embark on unforgettable adventure trips alongside fellow tribe members. Our upcoming trips offer thrilling experiences like running with the bulls in Spain and swimming with Tiger Sharks in the Bahamas. Tribe members have the first opportunity to secure their spot on these epic journeys through exclusive payment options. Stay tuned for trip announcements and secure your spot by becoming a valued member of our Tribe today!
Queen's Tribe for Wife/GF
Elevate your partner's experience by granting them access to the Queen's Tribe at no additional cost. This exclusive group of women is dedicated to personal growth and forming meaningful connections. They enjoy their own Community Chat and a weekly live call, ensuring a supportive environment for both of you to thrive together.
Opportunity To Join Leadership
Get exclusive access to our upcoming leadership group, set to launch later this year. Spots are limited and will sell out fast, with Tribe members receiving priority enrollment. Don't miss your chance—join us today and secure your place in our highly anticipated Leadership Program!
Interested in joining the Community, but have a few questions? Schedule a quick call with one of our members to hear what WATT is...
What To Expect Once Inside The Tribe...
IMPORTANT: Joining now secures you an opportunity to join the next Leadership Group when we open it again this year.
Community of Like-Minded Men
Immediately access various networking opportunities with like-minded men in our community. You'll gain instant entry to an active chat thread, recurring local events, a monthly mini-mastermind group, and other powerful connection tools crafted specifically for our tribe.
Weekly Live Tribe Call
Every Tuesday, join Jimmy and other elite leaders in our community for a live hour-long call. Engage, learn, and build valuable relationships within our vibrant community. Don't worry if you miss a session; all recordings are available for your convenience within the app.
Various In-Person Events + HQ
Attend two major in-person events annually, with previous guests including renowned figures like Ed Mylett and Chris Williamson. Stay tuned for our upcoming Summerfest! Additionally, access weekly and monthly gatherings at our WATT HQ in Lehi, Utah. Our HQ features exclusive amenities such as a gym with sauna/cold plunge, ensuring you're fully equipped to thrive.
Mini-Mastermind Groups
Be part of an exclusive mini-mastermind group comprising 12-15 members in your area, meeting monthly. These groups are designed to foster genuine connections and facilitate personal growth. Jimmy has curated these groups with a distinct purpose, ensuring they deliver value beyond typical networking events.
Direct Coaching From Jimmy
Gain access to Jimmy's expert coaching through pre-recorded mastery levels designed to elevate your personal and professional life. These trainings are delivered via our exclusive WATT App, accompanied by a comprehensive workbook and Welcome Box packed with essentials to support your journey.
Exclusive Community App
Engage, connect, and grow within our online and iOS app, where you can interact with fellow members, access important updates, RSVP to events, and more. Showcase your business in our "Support Members" section or stay updated with our HQ Calendar—all from the convenience of your device.
Chance To Attend Adventure Trips
Embark on unforgettable adventure trips alongside fellow tribe members. Our upcoming trips offer thrilling experiences like running with the bulls in Spain and swimming with Tiger Sharks in the Bahamas. Tribe members have the first opportunity to secure their spot on these epic journeys through exclusive payment options. Stay tuned for trip announcements and secure your spot by becoming a valued member of our Tribe today!
Queen's Tribe for Wife/GF
Elevate your partner's experience by granting them access to the Queen's Tribe at no additional cost. This exclusive group of women is dedicated to personal growth and forming meaningful connections. They enjoy their own Community Chat and a weekly live call, ensuring a supportive environment for both of you to thrive together.
Opportunity To Join Leadership
Get exclusive access to our upcoming leadership group, set to launch later this year. Spots are limited and will sell out fast, with Tribe members receiving priority enrollment. Don't miss your chance—join us today and secure your place in our highly anticipated Leadership Program!
Interested in joining the Community, but have a few questions? Schedule a quick call with one of our members to hear what WATT is...
Or if you haven't watched the Documentary on We Are The They yet, Click Here to learn more about the Movement and why it's impacting so many lives.
Or if you haven't watched the Documentary on We Are The They yet, Click Here to learn more about the Movement and why it's impacting so many lives.